Lib Dems Choose Candidates for 2009 South East England European List
The process for selecting the candidates for the Liberal Democrat list for the South East of England for the European Parliament elections is now well underway. The candidates are: Ben Abbotts, Jim Barnard, Catherine Bearder, Sharon Bowles, David Grace, Simon Green, Antony Hook, Murari Kaushik, Gary Lawson, Martin Lury, Ajmal Masroor, Justine McGuinness, Fiyaz Mughal, Zoe Patrick and John Vincent.
Hustings are taking place throughout September and October and there is an electronic hustings on the party's main website. Details of the hustings are available on:
Voting operates via a postal ballot of Party members in the region, with ballot papers to be returned by 7 November. The list should be in place by the end of the year. Further details, including links to the candidates' websites, is available on:

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