Lib Dems: Delivering in Government
Since joining the coalition Government in 2010, the Liberal Democrats have been working to help sort the financial mess left by Labour. In a coalition government, no party can deliver everything in its manifesto, but the Lib Dems have made big steps in delivering fairness for Britain.
- The Lib Dems have ensured that the government delivered:
- funding a Green Investment Bank and a new Green Deal,
- scrapping stop and search & child detention in immigration,
- scrapping control orders & 28 day detention without charge,
- funding child tax credits for poor families via a bank levy,
- taking low income people out of income tax altogether,
- extending the national minimum wage to apprentices,
- reducing the age at which the full minimum wage is paid,
- increasing the number of social housing allocations,
- establishing a pupil premium,
- investing £900m to reduce tax evasion,
- suggesting a £140 minimum state pension.
Folkestone West County Councillor Tim Prater says:
"The last year has been a difficult one for many people, with the coalition Government needing to make tough decisions on spending and tax to sort out the financial mess left by Labour. Of course some of those cuts have been really painful, and we need to continue to work together to make sure that there is the least possible impact on frontline services in our area as a result. But excitingly, the Lib Dems are getting large parts of their manifesto actually delivered into reality - and the list makes good reading.
"The Pupil Premium for example is already making a difference to the budgets of local schools, and this will increase in future years when it doubles next year and increases by the same amount the following year. Increasing the level at which you start paying income tax has taken hundreds of people out of paying income tax in Shepway as of the beginning of April altogether. These changes are good news for Shepway, and straight out of the Lib Dem Manifesto - promises delivered."

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