Lives put at risk in Folkestone as cars block emergency service's access

Bad parking is putting lives at risk - that is the stark message from Folkestone's fire crews to the town's inconsiderate motorists. Many roads in the town are regularly turned into no-go zones for fire engines and other emergency vehicles because of cars left double-parked, at junctions or too far from the kerb.
In an attempt to combat this problem, firefighters are launching a poster and leaflet campaign warning drivers that it won't be long before carelessly parked vehicles cost someone their life.
Folkestone's Station Manager Barry Douglas said: "We are seeing on a daily basis the town's fire engines trying to get through ever decreasing gaps when they respond to incidents.
"It is particularly bad during the school run and in the evening. In some cases the crews have had to abandon their vehicle to reach an incident and have even risked taking an alternative route because their usual journey has been obstructed. But, by doing so, our crews risk being too late to save someone from the deadly effects of smoke and fire."
Designed by the station's Red Watch, the poster and leaflet show a newspaper cutting with the headline "Child dies in house fire". While fictitious, the poster serves to remind drivers of the extreme consequences which careless parking may cause. These will be placed around the town's problem areas and will even be placed on cars that are badly parked.
Red Watch's Crew Manager Andy Batchelor said: "Many of Folkestone's roads are extremely narrow. Fire engines are wide vehicles and in areas where space is at a premium, we need all we can get so that we can work effectively.
"Just think what it would be like if you were trapped in your house by a fire, perhaps looking out of an upstairs window watching a fire engine attempting to reach you - but delayed by badly parked cars. It could happen to you."
Fire crews will also be working alongside their Shepway Community Safety partners to monitor problem areas and targeting those who continue to ignore this message. This could involve fines for the perpetrators and removal of cars causing an obstruction.
Jyotsna Leney of the Shepway Community Safety Unit said: "This is a very important initiative and while we are warning residents of the perils bad parking, we are working with partners to look for alternative car parking options, for example, during the school run. This includes encouraging more walking buses as well raising awareness and education."

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