Local businesses warned of "New Romney Community Guide" advert scam

Shepway businesses are being warned to watch out for a phone scam where a call is received asking to talk to the person who had placed an advert in the "New Romney Community Guide". The caller (often a woman with a Liverpool accent) goes on to claim an advert has been placed but not paid for, a "replacement" invoice sent, and if not paid, legal proceedings are then issued for non-payment of the invoice.
Shepway Lib Dem campaigner and businessman Darren Briddock received a call today asking to speak to the person "who placed the advert in the New Romney Community Guide". When Darren told them that no such advert had been placed they hung up.
"Having been targeted by these fraudsters before I was suspicious right away" said Darren. "They try and trap you into admitting that the advert was placed then they pursue you for the money. There is no such publication as the 'New Romney Community Guide' to my knowledge, and I've certainly never advertised in it. When I said that, the woman hung up."
Sometimes it is claimed the publication is being produced on behalf of some reputable or worthy sounding cause, or that proceeds will go to charity. In reality, some of these rogue 'publishers' produce nothing at all and, although some may produce a few token copies of the supposed publication, these are not circulated in sufficient numbers, or in the right areas, to be of any practical benefit to the advertisers.
Rogue 'publishers' have refined the art of operating in grey areas of the law that lie between sharp (but not illegal) business practice, and outright criminality. They have proliferated because in every telesales team there will be a few bright sparks who see how easy it is to make money in this way. As one outfit gets closed down, several others may spring up as the members move on to set up similar operations of their own.
If you have been a victim of a scam you should report it to one of the organisations listed below who can also provide advice:
- For scams in general - Consumer Direct - www.consumerdirect.gov.uk - tel: 08454 04 05 06
- For investment scams - Financial Services Authority - www.fsa.gov.uk - tel: 0845 606 1234

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