Lydd Airport Planning Application Update
The planning applications for Lydd Airport expansion seem now destined not to be heard until AT LEAST May 2009 - and probably later.
In response to an enquiry from Lib Dem Shepway Council Group Leader Lynne Beaumont about the expected time before a planning meeting on Lydd Airport's planning applications for a runway extension and new terminal building, Shepway Council Officer Terence Ellames, Major Applications & Projects Manager has commented:
"We are still awaiting clarification on some flight path assumptions (especially as related to the NPS). We are being told these will not be significant, and could have less of an impact on noise, but we await the full details before asking our consultants to complete their work and deciding if any further consultation is required.
"The applicant has also requested time to provide comments about socio-economic, drainage, sewerage and possibly ecology in response to consultation responses at the end of last year. We are now being told this information and comment will be received in early March.
"Until we have this it is impossible to know the implications. Leaving aside a final report by our consultants BV, and any potential reconsultation on some aspects, we need at least 2-3 weeks to assess everything and decide if we need legal advice on a recommendation. Only then can we factor in planning a special Council meeting meeting, which we estimate would require approximately 6 weeks once we know our recommendation."
London Ashford Airport (Lydd) formally submitted the planning applications relating to it's expansion at the beginning of 2007. Two major applications were filed with Shepway District Council.
The 1st (Y06/1648/SH)concerned transforming their runway to handle large jets, (Boeing 737 and Airbus A320 size), by adding 294 metres to it's length, plus another 150 meter starter extension. The 2nd (Y06/1647/SH) was for the erection of a terminal building and car parking to handle an initial 500,000 passengers annually.

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