Lydd Coastal Parish Council Decision: This Is Not Democracy

The hopes of over a thousand residents in the coastal part of Lydd, to have their own local council are set to be smashed by the block vote of Tory members on Shepway District Council, most of whom do not have the best interests of Lydd and the Marsh at heart.
On Monday 13th September, I attended a meeting of the General Purposes Committee at Shepway District Council. One item on the agenda, was the parishing of the coastal region of Lydd Town Council as it stands now.
This has been an agenda item for the past 4 years, yes, 4 years. A committed group of citizens have campaigned for the coastal region to have its own parish council for this length of time, petitioning local residents, gaining over 1,000 signatures in support of their aim, and gathering local people together to form their own local parish council. There are many reasons behind this, but the main driver, is that the people of the coastal region do not believe they have received a service from Lydd in respect of the thousands of pounds they pay every year to the town council.
Up until a few months ago,after 4 long years, the General Purposes Committee have been fully supportive of this aim, with District Councillors being vocal in their support. This however has changed, almost overnight. How strange you may think. But we have to look at the fact that there are local elections looming in 2011, and this does tend to focus the minds on votes.
There has now been a consultation on this matter with the residents of Lydd Town, and, the resounding answer from this was that they have said no, they do not think this is a good idea. Not surprising really, considering Lydd Town has gained many thousands of pounds, every year from the people of the coast, and they were in effect now being asked whether they wanted to loose this money or not. I totally understand why Lydd town residents have said no, and the vast majority of us would do the same, but what about the people who have paid thousands of pounds for many many years, and in their eyes, have not received anything for their money? Is it right we should let this continue?
The recommendation from this meeting is to go to a meeting of Shepway District Council on the 29th September, and the recommendation now stands that this new parish should not be formed. This is a total reversal of the mood of the meeting for the past 4 years.
Does this mean, that the District Councillors are going to totally disregard the feelings of over 1,000 people who have supported this idea for the past 4 years?
Unfortunately, I think it does. The Conservative whip is out, and the Conservative councillors will all vote with one voice and one mind. This is not democracy. This is not what David Cameron means when he talks about empowerment of local communities.
The people of the coast should be given their own voice. They need to have a say in how and where their money is spent. Legally, Lydd Town Council's hands are tied as to where this money can be spent, and it is not on the Coast.
I have supported this new parish for the past 4 years, and I will continue to do so. Lets face it, nobody likes paying council tax, but how would you feel if you knew your local parish council tax will be spent in an area 6 miles away from where you live?

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