Lynne Beaumont to fight for Folkestone and Shepway in Folkestone Park by-elections

Strong local campaigner Lynne Beaumont will be fighting to win seats on Folkestone and Shepway Councils in two forthcoming by-elections.
The joint polls for Folkestone Park ward will be held on 22nd November, and follow the resignation of Conservative Councillor Tristan Allan. Mr Allan was elected in 2011, and has not attended a meeting of Folkestone Town Council for over six months. He resigned from both Councils earlier this week.
The Liberal Democrats have selected Lynne as their candidate for the seats. Lynne has pledged to continue her work standing up for Park, Folkestone and Shepway residents and speak out against the mistakes of the Conservative Councils.
Lynne led the Liberal Democrat group as the official opposition on Shepway District Council from 2006-11. A consumate campaigner, she has worked campaigns to Save the Royal Victoria Hospital, reduce fuel prices nationally through the Fair Fuel Campaign, worked to save tigers, get justice for Gurkhas, fight proposals for big jets to use Lydd Airport and spoken out against the recent Conservative backed consultation on building a nuclear dump on Romney Marsh. Lynne is currently leading the campaign to Save K College in Folkestone, amongst rumours of potential closure due to serious financial mismanagement.
Lynne says:
"I'm delighted to rise to this challenge. The Conservatives are letting our area down, and someone needs to speak up for local people on the Council.
"Who spoke up at Shepway against introducing parking charges - charges which are already hurting Folkestone businesses?
"Who spoke up against the crazy consultation costing thousands on building a Nuclear Dump under Romney Marsh?
"Who is speaking up now about the terrible impact that the potential closure of K College would have on Folkestone & Shepway?
"I've been honoured to represent Folkestone Park ward as their Councillor in the past. I'd love the chance to do so again - and will never be afraid to speak up against the Council and for local people."
Liberal Democrat Folkestone West County Councillor Tim Prater offered his full backing to Lynne. He said:
"We need a strong voice for Folkestone & Shepway. Lynne has proved time and time again she can be that voice.
"The Conservatives need to be challenged on the way they are running Folkestone and Shepway. They seem completely out of touch and willing to push through schemes that really hurt the area: Nuclear Dump consultations and Parking charges in our towns to name just two. Lynne has proved she can provide that challenge.
"The by-elections wil lnot change who runs either Folkestone or Shepway Council. The Conservatives will keep control of Folkestone and Shepway. But electing Lynne Beaumont would send a powerful message to the Conservatives: Stop your schemes that hurt our area. Listen to local people. Accept and listen to challenge.
"Since 2010, the Conservatives have had precious little opposition in Folkestone and Shepway - and it shows. We need a strong voice back in the Council throwing a spotlight on new plans as they come forward. Lynne can be that voice for local people."
Can you help Lynne's campaign for Park ward in the run-up to the by-elections on 15th November? Email or call 07885 940945.

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