M20 Traffic Anger Grows as Operation Stack Is Back: Reader Comments

Lorries are today again parking on the coastbound M20 in Kent to ease a traffic backlog at the Port of Dover after industrial action by SeaFrance workers in France.
Kent Police said phase two of Operation Stack was now in force. The coastbound M20 is closed between junctions eight and nine for Leeds Castle and Ashford West, and between 11 and 12 for Hythe and Cheriton.
Shepway Liberal Democrats have a long record of campaigning against Operation Stack as its introduction causes traffic chaos across Folkestone, Hythe and the surrounding area.
M20 users frustrated by Operation Stack have contacted the Lib Dems in Shepway with their views.
N Peek says:
Having just travelled back from Dover last night and seen the M20 transformed from a clear Motorway in the morning to a large lorry park in the evening, I share the concern over the closure of this key facility. A motorway is an expensive resource to build and maintain - being designed for safety of vehicles at 70MPH rather than at parking speeds. Seeing the impact of just one days delays, a number of questions come to mind:
1) The cost of the Police resources to provide the facility and the effects on crime as Police are diverted to organising Operation Stack.
2) The cost to other road users in avoiding the closed Motorway - both in time, fuel / emissions and missed sailings / appointments.
3) The impact on the environment and locals health of lorry drivers using the motorway verges for comfort facilities.
4) The impact on the local economy with all the roads clogged with diverted traffic.
5) The lack of information both on the radio and on roadside signs regarding the motorway closure.
6) Should other major roadworks affecting the route be suspended whilst Operation Stack is in operation (eg Dover roadworks).
I have seen comment elsewhere where the Highways Agency are indicating that nobody has an overall picture of the problem (eg costs of implementation taken out of Kent Police budget and therefore of no concern to Highways Agency). Should we have a single body responsible for all aspects with a budget control.
Surely the proper answer is a Lorry Park Area close to the motorway. This could have facilities, make better use of the space due to closer lane spacing, reduce the cost of Policing and even cover costs if a parking charge was made (and make an appropriate penalty for truckers who decided to ignore the facility when operational). But above all, it would allow the proper use of facilities that all taxpayers have paid for and which all government decisions are based on - the availability of a key motorway.
Whilst we live in Cheam, Sutton we travel to the area effected both for the port facilities and to visit relations in the area(one of whom is a Paramedic and therefore affected by delays)."
J Holley writes:
"As a Local resident, I hate Stack. Got caught in it yesterday while my mother in law is in the Hospital (William Harvey). If they insist on using Stack, we need to re-instate a good Folkestone Hospital. What if there were a Medical Emergency?
All very well Kent County Councillor saying we should put up with it, bet they don't live here! After 20 years now it should be well sorted! We know the weather and the french can be unpredictable! SORT IT OUT!"
Lib Dem campaigner Season Prater said:
"I was caught in Operation Stack last night, with a journey from Maidstone to Folkestone taking over 2 and a half hours instead on the normal 40 minutes.
Operation Stack simply brings the M20 to a complete halt. We were stationary for over 30 minutes just trying to get off the M20 at junction 11 to use the A20 - for seemingly no reason. Not only should the M20 not be being used as a lorry park, but the organisation is terrible at times as well."
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