Making Folkestone Greener
In May, The Liberal Democrats took control of Folkestone Town Council, winning 11 of the 18 seats. Taking control has given us the chance to make sure we follow through on our promise to make Folkestone Greener, and in the first few months have got off to a flying start!
In July, a motion put together and proposed by the Liberal Democrats called "A Green Folkestone Town Council" was passed by the full Council (with support from all groups). It endorsed the aims of the Nottingham Declaration on Climate Change, and sought to look at joining the list of over 200 signatory Councils in the future. Additionally, the Council committed itself to a series of measures to reduce its environmental impact - and is now working to get those into effect.
Since then, the Council has already agreed to change its electricity supplier to a "green" electricity tariff.
This simple move ensures that our new supplier matches every unit of normal electricity used and feeds the same amount, generated from renewable sources, into the electricity network. Even better the new green tariff selected actually cost LESS than the previous supplier: it SAVED the Council money!
There are a wide range of suppliers offering energy from renewable sources, with arrange of different costs and benefits. Any household or business can switch to a green electricity tariff - services such as can help you decide which is right for you.
Following the council's motion, another area where progress has been made is to push the Council to use email more, only sending printed copies of agendas, minutes and calling notices where it makes sense to do so. Many Councillors now receive a proportion of their papers by email alone: printed copies are only sent where that Councillor sits on the committee (and would therefore needs a printed copy to take to the meeting anyway).
The Council is also now committed to purchasing and using recycled paper (when existing stocks are used): the next edition of the Town Council's newsletter (due in September) will be printed on paper made of 80% recycled material for this first time.
We are committed to doing much more of this over the coming years, but will be continually looking at ways to further reduce the Council's environmental impact.
The Mayor and Deputy Mayor have to be taken to many events by car - with chains and robes, it's often just not possible to get there any other way. The current car is leased, and the Council has now committed to look at environmentally friendly replacements (such a a hybrid fuel Prius) when the lease expires.
What can also be done quickly however is to "off-set" the carbon dioxide produced by the Mayor's car during the year. This funds projects that will reduce the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere by the same amount that the car creates.
A living tree absorbs carbon dioxide, and unless it is burned or rots, it retains it. Councillors have agreed to fund planting at least 6 new trees in the Folkestone area this year, which in their lifetime will absorb the same amount of carbon dioxide as produced by the civic car this year. This funding is on top of the already agreed £7,000 of funding for new tree planting in the Town in this years budget.
Although off-setting projects have their critics (and some are certainly questionable in their impact), this practical approach will both acts as a reminder to the Council of our environmental cost, and ensure we look at ways of reducing it in future, and also will enhance Folkestone's look over the coming years: a positive double whammy.
Making Folkestone Greener is a positive agenda for Folkestone, which the Liberal Democrats should be proud to be a key part of promoting and pushing. There will always be more to do, but we have made a start.