Matthews Speaks out Against Lydd Airport Expansion at Public Meeting

Neil Matthews attended a meeting at Lydd Airport on Friday (23rd May). The meeting had been called by FLAG (Friends of Lydd Airport Group) who wished to question the Liberal Democrat, Conservative and Labour Parliamentary Candidates about their views concerning the expansion of the airport.
During two hours of questioning, at times quite heated, Neil Matthews demolished the Airports management's argument that 2000 or more jobs would be created by the expansion. Lydd Airport had already submitted greatly reduced numbers in its report to Kent County Council - a fact of which the audience was not apparently aware.
Neil maintained his position against the expansion, pointing out that not only were there many diverse environmental concerns that could not be overcome, but no infrastructure improvements had so far been demonstrated and pointed out if the FLAG felt it had winning arguments it should not be afraid to submit them to a Public Inquiry.
Neil is not alone in declaring opposition to the airport expansion, with many other groups doing so including the RSPB, British Energy, CPRE, Kent County Council, Natural England and more.
Two polls have already been called showing a 2 to 1 majority of local people against the expansion. A newspaper poll overwhelming confirmed these results by declaring a 77% rejection of the plan.
Neil said after the meeting:
"Like the majority of local people and many other groups, I remain opposed to the proposed expansion of Lydd Airport. It is clear both the Labour and Conservative candidates were not clear about many issues and are surely out of touch with the views of the local people."

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