Mayor and Mayoress of Canterbury fundraising picnic and outing to the theatre

At the Mayoral outing today there were Mayors and Mayoresses present that I have not met before who had travelled from Tunbridge Wells, Bromley, Medway, Gravesend and the more usual Cinque Ports. We drove to the venue ourselves this time as Canterbury is outside our area and not a Cinque Port and parking amongst the rather smart Mayoral Cars was a bit daunting. However, seeing the stunning venue of Tower House and it's gardens and grounds was an uplifting experience.
The 15 - 20 Mayors who had accepted the invitation set up their picnics in groups and, with a glass of wine or soft drink, provided by the Mayor of Canterbury, Pat Todd, began to enjoy the warm sunshine and jovial company.
It is always a pleasure to support the Charity Events of other towns and cities and each one has a different focus and theme. Today, the idea is to have a picnic in the garden (having brought our own picnic hamper) and later to enjoy a performance of an Oscar Wilde play at the Gilbenkian Theatre. The play did not disappoint and the acting by the 'Old Stagers' was of a very high standard.
As with all Charity Events the evening finished with a raffle. An extremely pleasant way to spend an afternoon and evening knowing that it is supporting a good cause.

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