Military Road Resurfacing Works
Kent Highways are intending to resurface Military Road (Sandgate) from its junction with Sandgate High Street to the junction with North Road.
The micro resurfacing works are programmed for 8th August 2016, and there should be local signage to advise on any closures, diversions or parking suspensions, and other restrictions during the works.
Kent County Council say micro resurfacing "is generally used on urban roads and lasts up to 10 years. We fix faults and potholes, but we then place a pre-mixed tarmac dressing which is then pressed down."
You can learn more about micro resurfacing from a Kent County Council video at
Updated 29 June 2016:
Kurt Stephens has spoken to Clive Lambourne (who is the Contract Officer from KCC Highways) about these works today who has confirmed the following;
- The planned date of 8th August is subject to certain conditions such as weather but at this moment in time the 8th August is scheduled;
- The entire length of the road is likely to be closed for 2 days although there WILL be access for residents;
- Work is planned to be carried out between the hours of 7am to 7pm although again this may change;
- Residents will be given notice in writing between 2 and 4 weeks prior to any work being undertaken.