More Police Now!

I have some strong views about Policing. Many, many people from across Shepway contact me and tell me about how their lives are ruined by vandalism, threatening behaviour, graffiti and general anti-social behaviour. The letters don't just come from our large towns. They come from every part of Shepway. Very often, each individual incident sounds almost trivial - but add them up and this issue is extremely serious for a lot of people. There are a number of initiatives in Shepway which are supported by the Council and the Police amongst which are trying to address this problem. I support them fully. However, in my view, they are unlikely to work without a substantial increase in the number of visible Police Officers on Patrol during the times of the day that these problems are most acute.
Some months ago, I accompanied Police Officers in Folkestone on a night shift. Last week, I went out with Weald Police to see how the Marsh is Policed. All the officers that I met on both occasions were impressively professional and effective.
That said, only a regular visible presence will deter and stop trouble developing early. At this point, opponents to my view say 'we can't afford more Police'. Really, we need to add up the total cost to our community in terms of all the vandalism and other consequences of yobbish behaviour. I think we would all be appalled by that total figure. It might make the costs of extra Police look a great deal smaller.

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