Motion to Shepway District Council 13 June: The treatment of Anthony Cowie
Shepway Liberal Democrats have tabled a motion slamming the Council treatment of Folkestone businessman Anthony Cowie by Shepway District Council and calling for his case to to reviewed as soon as possible. The motion will be debated at the Shepway District Council full council meeting on Wednesday 13 June.
The motion reads:
On the 25 April 2007, a question was put to Councillor David Monk, the Deputy Leader of this Council, by a member of the public, Mr Anthony Cowie.
Mr Cowie has run a small family business in Folkestone for the past 47 years. In December 2001, this Council compulsory purchased his premises to make way for the new shopping centre in the centre of Folkestone. Negotiations have been ongoing between this Council, its agent, and Mr Cowie and his agent until March 2007. During this time, Mr Cowie has been paid £100,000 as an interim payment for his premises and location expenses. In 2001 an independent valuer valued his property at £150,000.
Mr Cowie and his family have relocated their business to another property close to the town centre, approximately 500 yards from his original business site. This has cost £225,000 to achieve, and Mr Cowie has had to cash in his pensions to pay for this move, believing that this money would be reimbursed by this Council.
This Council wrote to Mr Cowie earlier in 2007, stating that the claim is now time-barred by reasons of legislation. This means, in a nutshell, that Shepway District Council does not intend to pay any more compensation to Mr Cowie.
Where is the human face of Shepway District Council? When are we going to learn that we cannot treat people in this manner? Where are the morals of this Council?
In this respect we ask that this Council resolves to:
- Complete an extensive examination into this matter and look at all options, financial and legal, available to rectify this situation.
- To consider and rectify the moral implications of this case. Where does this Council stand on compulsory purchasing Mr Cowie's property, and not paying the full amount payable.
- For this matter to go to a full Cabinet meeting, as soon as possible, and for members to make a decision on this matter.

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