My Personal Guarantee

This is my personal guarantee that I will use all the support you give me on Thursday to deliver fairness in Britain.
We need a fairer tax system. I will use your votes to cut taxes for those at the bottom and in the middle and close the loopholes for those at the top.
We need to support our children. I will use your votes to ensure extra funding for schools, to cut class sizes and give all children a fair chance.
We need to clean up politics. I will use your votes to reform Parliament, to deliver a fairer voting system, protect your freedoms and give you the right to sack corrupt MPs.
We need a new economy. I will use your vote to split up the banks, get them lending again, invest in green infrastructure and so create jobs.
This election campaign has shown us that millions of people want us to do something different this time.
Politicians should work together to solve the nation's biggest problems. That is why, whatever the outcome on Thursday, I believe we should be prepared to work together to fix the terrible state of our public finances and ensure economic stability.
These are the key steps to a new, fairer Britain. Give me the power of your vote and we can make it happen.
Together, we can make the difference.

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