Neil Matthews steps down as Folkestone & Hythe Parliamentary Candidate
Shepway Liberal Democrats are sorry to announce that Neil Matthews has stepped down as Parliamentary Candidate for Folkestone & Hythe due to personal pressures. Neil remains an active part of the Shepway Liberal Democrats and Liberal Democrat Councillor for Hythe West.
In a letter to Party members, Shepway Local Party Chair, Bev Rolfe, paid tribute to Neil's work and said:
"I'm sorry to announced that the Lib Dem Prospective Parliamentary Candidate for Folkestone and Hythe, Councillor Neil Matthews, has found it necessary to step down for personal reasons. Although most unfortunate for Neil, he has assured me and the local party executive that he will continue as a District Councillor and an activist within our local party. The added pressure of standing for Parliament is something which, due to his current personal circumstances, he finds himself unable to fulfil.
"Neil's contribution to the local party over the years, and recently, is very much appreciated. He is a much respected party member and a knowledgeable and hard working local Councillor and, indeed, is viewed with affection by all his colleagues. Neil works very hard for the party and, I have no doubt, will continue to do so.
"Naturally, we will be seeking another candidate as soon as possible. We will update you with more information on this as soon as we have it.
"If you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact me or one of the other officers whose names, e-mails and telephone numbers can be found on the Shepway Liberal Democrat web site at"

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