No More Lords

I'm sure you found it as painful as I did watching the "cash for influence" scandal uncovered by Dispatches unfold last week. To see MPs so blatantly and willingly abuse the positions that we have given them was a disgrace.
This scandal has also shown us that many retiring MPs now see the Lords as a good place to pursue careers as corporate lobbyists. By moving up to the House of Lords they can continue - at the taxpayer's expense - to influence laws that affect all of us, but without having to worry about little things like, well, like actually being elected.
It simply isn't credible now for the Party Leaders to talk about cleaning up politics - while at the same time preparing to elevate many of their fellow MPs to the Upper House.
This must end. We need a second chamber that is elected and accountable. But right now we need the Party Leaders to commit to appointing NO MORE LORDS. If you agree, co-sign Pam's letter to the Party Leaders demanding action now:
Every person that they push into the second chamber in the coming weeks is yet another blow to our democracy. The last thing we need are more cronies in the Lords blocking reform.
That's why POWER2010 are going to such lengths to highlight this issue. This week alone there will be adverts in the Times, Independent and the New Statesmen. But this starts with you - and we need you to fight back against this scandal by adding your name now.
We can make a real difference if we seize this opportunity. Please join us in calling for NO MORE LORDS!

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