Nominate someone for a Safer Kent Award - Celebrating outstanding community work
Kent Police Authority has launched the Safer Kent Awards for 2008 to celebrate outstanding community safety work.
Do you know someone who has made a difference to where you live? Helped improve your way of life and gone the extra mile? Then nominate an individual or group for an award.
The following persons can be nominated for an award:
- Police community support officers
- Special constables
- Neighbourhood watch volunteers
- Wardens
The Authority oversees policing across the county and is looking for a winner from each of the six policing areas: Medway, South Kent, East Kent, North Kent, Mid Kent and West Kent. Each winner will receive a certificate, prize and trophy plus £250 towards a community project of their choice. An overall winner will receive £500.
Sponsors of the event, to be held at Leeds Castle in September, include The Cooperative, Veolia, Kier Group South East, Kent People's Trust and Medway's MHS Homes.
Ann Barnes, Chair of the Kent Police Authority said: "I really want to encourage people to nominate neighbourhood teams, wardens, Specials and neighbourhood watch volunteers for all their help in keeping communities safe. We have invested heavily in neighbourhood policing during the last year and we know that there is some really great work going on around the county. In today's day and age people are so quick to judge and never really take a step back and realise that some individuals or groups are making a positive difference to the quality of our lives. So please take this opportunity and put someone forward for a Safer Kent Award.'
Closing date is 4 July 2008.
You can make a nomination online at or call 01622 677055 for a nomination form.
Alison Hammond
Kent Police Authority
01622 677 055
07870 999 879

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