Official: They Just DON'T Care

A recent spot check on a Folkestone Town Centre car park confirms the decline in our area. Shellons Street car park near Guildhall Street was selected at random, but the check revealed at least seven major issues with the state of the car park, from litter to graffiti, uncut verges to damaged kerbs.
The full survey revealed:

- Graffiti on walls and signs
- Litter dating back days and weeks in places
- Damaged, faded and missing sign
- Damaged kerbs
- Weeds and verges growing out of control
- Conflicting and inaccurate signs
- AND some of the most expensive parking in Kent

Local Lib Dem Leader Lynne Beaumont is furious about the current dirty and unkempt state of Folkestone:
"Grot-Spots like this can be found across Folkestone.
"Local people are being let down by Tory and People First run Shepway Council. Many residents are furious the Council seem to be letting the town rot."
Do you know a worse Grot-Spot than Shellons Street? Tell us using our feedback form or leave a message on 01303 851251.

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