On-line Federal conference registration now available for Harrogate and Brighton 2007
All Liberal Democrat members are welcome to attend the Party's two "Federal" (UK wide) conferences each year. In 2007, Federal Conferences are held on 2-4 March in Harrogate and 16-20 September in Brighton.
Voting representatives for Federal Conferences are elected by Local Parties each year. Any Shepway local party member who wishes to attend Conferences can stand to be a Voting Conference Representative for 2007 by putting their name forward either before or at the Local Party AGM on 17 November 2006.
You can register on-line for the Party's conferences at www.libdems.org.uk/conference/conference-registration.html - please note however that unless elected as a voting representative by your local party or the Youth and Student SAO, you will be a non-voting member.

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