Out on the beat with PCSO

Sandgate Valley Parish Councillor, Season Prater, went out on the beat with PCSO Mark Wilson last Friday night. Season and another resident joined Mark as he walked around Sandgate watching out for any anti social behaviour or crime. This "enviornmental audit" was the first in a series Mark hopes to run over the coming months.
Season said: "I was interested to see whether there is an issue with crime in Sandgate. The media continue to make us believe that crime is a real problem, but is it true?
"Having been out on the beat with Mark and discussing the issues with him, I believe that people's perception of crime is worse than the reality. On our walk around Sandgate on a Friday evening there was nothing more than a couple of minor parking issues!
"I would encourage anyone to come along on another of Mark's environmental audits. If you are interested please get in touch with me and I will make sure you are invited along."

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