Outrage at Post Office Closure

Hawkinge Liberal Democrats have reacted with outrage to today's news that Hawkinge Post Office is to close.
The Post Office is part of the One-Stop Shop on Canterbury Road. The One-Stop has been bought by Tesco, who are understood to have a policy not to run Post Offices within their stores.
Local Cllr Dave Callahan said "This is a crazy situation. Hawkinge is growing at a huge rate with massive amounts of new housing - and yet we are losing basic services like our Post Office!"
Cllr Peter Smith added "I am sure we will be told to use the Post Office in Densole, but many elderly people rely on their local Post Office and won't be able to travel to Densole's Office."
Cllr Chris Smith said "The Post Office is always busy - there's always a queue for the counter service! To close such a popular and well used service just because of a national policy held by Tesco seems amazing."
Hawkinge Liberal Democrats have committed themselves to fighting the closure. Lib Dem Parliamentary Spokesman Peter Carroll will join the Cllrs in writing to Postwatch - the Post Office regulator, and the team will approach Tesco to see if the situation can be resolved.
Peter Carroll said "We will do all we can to make sure that residents in Hawkinge do not lose this vital service from their village."

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