Park Farm Allotments Prize day

I'm not a gardener and I was quite worried that I was being asked to judge the competition at the allotments, but luckily two representatives from Age Concern were there to undertake that task.
What a thriving community we encountered today. I am especially impressed with the age span of the people involved. Young Jacob showed me around his small patch and was rightly proud of the tomatoes that he has grown.
Sitting and chatting with the green fingered enthusiasts over a hot dog and a cup of tea made the day a most enjoyable one and I was delighted to see family groups sharing an interest together.
The results of the competition brought much laughter and friendly banter with one particular name coming up more than all the others. (Well done Jimmy)
I hope that somehow we find more space somewhere to use for allotments and offer the same opportunity to the many people on the waiting list for plots.

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