Party Policy Committees seeks new members
The Liberal Democrats' Federal Policy Committee would like to invite Party members to put their name forward to serve on Policy Working Groups. As part of our annual exercise to recruit new members into the working groups, we will put together a panel of potential working group members from which we will draw when setting up individual groups.
As a member of the Policy Panel, you will receive the policy newsletter 6 times a year, highlighting new developments in policy, announcing new spokesperson's papers and keeping you up to date with the latest news on conferences and events.
Party members wishing to be included on the panel for 2009 should fill in and return an application by Monday 19 January 2009. An application form can be completed online at, alternatively paper copies can be obtained by calling the policy team on 0207 219 2577 or emailing and should be returned to the Policy Unit, Liberal Democrats, 4 Cowley Street, London SW1P 3NB or by email.
We would also ask you to complete and return the equal opportunities monitoring form. If you do not wish to complete this form, please just complete and return your application.
We welcome applications from under-represented groups including women and ethnic minorities.

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