Perceptions of Folkestone and Margate Questionnaire
Uwe Derksen, a research student at the University of Kent, is conducting research into public perceptions of Margate and Folkestone, with particular reference to culture-led regeneration. He has developed an on-line questionnaire, which can be completed in reference to either town and is aimed at those who live and/or work in either Margate or Folkestone.
The online questionnaire should only be completed by you if you live, work, or live and work in either Folkestone or Margate. The questionnaire has a number of questions relating to your awareness of the cultural offer in the town relevant to you and your perception of the town. For the study it is important to gather views from a wide range of people who live and/or work in the towns. The survey therefore has a number of questions relating to you and your circumstances.
The survey is completely anonymous; the personal identity of respondees, won't be known. The questionnaire will be available from February 2013 to April 2013. Thank you for participating in this research by completing the online questionnaire, which should take no longer than 20 minutes. Please note that there are no 'right' or 'wrong' answers.

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