Prater and Dean Push for Fuller Disclosure of Kent County Council Expenditure
Liberal Democrat County Councillors Tim Prater and Trudy Dean have submitted a motion to the next full Kent County Council meeting calling for all items of revenue expenditure by the Council above £1,000 to be published. The proposals mirror the actions of the Greater London Authority, who took a similar step after Mayor Boris Johnson was elected.
Tim Prater commented:
"These proposals would make much more information about the expenditure of the County Council available to Council Tax payers who are paying for those cheques to be written. In its simplest form, there would be little extra work for County staff - simply publishing details onto the existing County website from accounting systems that already exist as they do in London.
"Making our system as open as possible to all with details of expenditure throughout the year should be the goal of all Councillors. I hope we get support for this motion on 1st April, and we see a small but significant step towards enhancing the openess of the Council's accounts."
The motion submitted to Kent County Council reads:
(1) Kent County Council, believing in accountability to the taxpayer, notes the recent campaigns by the Taxpayers Alliance and George Osborne MP to ensure greater disclosure to the public of what their money is being spent on.
(2) Council also notes the recent move by the London Mayor to publish online details of all GLA expenditure over £1000, detailing all payments for goods and services.
(3) Council believes that the publication of all Council items of revenue expenditure of £1,000 and above; and capital expenditure of £10,000 and above will improve transparency and therefore accountability.
(4) Therefore, Council resolves to instruct the Director of Finance to bring forward proposals, complied from existing data and at the lowest possible cost, to publish online from 1 July 2010, details on all such items of Council expenditure on a monthly basis within three months of the transaction.
Proposed by Tim Prater, County Councillor for Folkestone West
Seconded by Trudy Dean, County Councillor for Malling Central

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