Public Exhibition: Shorncliffe Barracks "Rationalisation"
The MOD will be holding a public exhibition about its plans for Shorncliffe Barracks "Rationalisation" on the afternoon of 24 September and morning of 25th September at the Army Cadet Hall on Church Road, Cheriton.
The MOD have submitted part of their barracks site as a potential location of new development to Shepway Council as a part of a process of developing a new "Local Development Framework" which is likely to go to Council for agreement in December 2011 following extensive consultation. the site is currently within the Local Development Framework as a "preferred option", described as "Housing led development at Risborough and Napier Barracks".
Full details of the exhibition and timings will be advertised as soon as confirmed.
The Shepway Council record of the responses to an earlier consultation on the development of Risborough / Napier Barracks ( says:
"The balance of representations on the Preferred Option for the Cheriton Barracks was not supportive of the policy as presented.
- The proposals raised major local worries about the potential impact of 900 houses and the complete redevelopment of the area identified on the Preferred Options indicative map.
- Residents and the town council were primarily concerned about the possible loss of open space, and greenery, particularly at 'the stadium' which was strongly considered to be a key feature of the neighbourhood in meeting a number of recreational needs.
- The second most common worry was traffic impact in a number of sensitive areas in the locality. This was followed by concerns over sewage and primary school capacity, and also water availability in Shepway.
- There was some support for the principle of selective redevelopment within the site. A number of residents stated that development had been expected/would be acceptable subject to no change to 'the stadium'. Other representations welcomed the potential for provision for the Nepalese community within redevelopment.
- Petitions supported by over 300 people raised a range of issues and felt that the current proposals failed to protect and enhance the local residents and environment.
"The council is concerned about the military remains at Shorncliffe Garrison and within Shepway. This principle has not been subject to any significant challenge in Core Strategy public participation.
"A large swathe of military land to the west of Folkestone is currently identified in the Local Plan as holding potential for housing redevelopment. However, the LDF will need to clarify the uncertainty created by the existing policy in terms of housing supply.
"Residents' concerns have been relayed directly by the council to the Ministry of Defence, who recognises the need for issues such as open space and travel patterns to be strategically addressed.
"The Ministry is completing the process of background data collection on operational and financial requirements, to enable it to formally confirm its intention to release military land for new housing and public purposes. This would then allow specific research of the scope for military, private housing, recreation and other community uses. In turn, this is expected to lead to a master planning process that can inform the LDF, and detail the capacity of the site to deliver a strategic allocation of new housing and local facilities, in which open space provision would play a central role.
"Innovative options for new strategic recreation / biodiversity provision on Ministry of Defence land should be explored, but the council expects the issue of existing open space to be properly addressed."

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