Red Arrows to return to Folkestone in June

STAR performer at last year's Folkestone Airshow, the RAF Red Arrows aerobatics team is to return for the 2013 event, organiser Folkestone Town Centre Management Ltd (FTCM) has announced. On Saturday, June 8, it will be the first major display of the year for the team whose high-speed manoeuvres in 'diamond nine' formation have thrilled air show audiences all over the world.
Other RAF aircraft taking part will include the Battle of Britain Memorial Flight, comprising a Lancaster,Spitfire and Hurricane, a Typhoon Eurofighter, a Sea King sea-air search and rescue helicopter anda Tucanotrainer in its new 2013 colours.
Folkestone Airshow project manager Yvonne Holder said thatthe day's programme would provide visitors with several hours of exciting flying displays as well asevents, activities and entertainment on the Leas and harbour area.
"It's tremendous news that we shall be seeing the Red Arrows again - subject to RAF operational requirements at the time. They are much in demand - and we are delighted that Folkestone is among the venues where they will appear in 2013. It will be a great day and our preparations to welcome scores of thousands of sky-watchers are well under way.
"Staging a quality event on the scale of an air show is complex and doesn't come cheap, though", added Ms Holder. "As well as the cost ofthe Red Arrows and other aircraft - the charge for each plane taking part is thousands of pounds - there are numerous upfront expenses, which range from employing a specialist air show management company to procure aircraft, obtain licenses and work withthe RAF and aviation authorities to set up the time-tabled flying programme to such mundane but essential tasks as hiring mobile toilets.
"Our ambition is to make Folkestone Airshow 2013 the biggest and best yet. FTCM, as a not-for-profit organisation, depends almost entirely on commercial sponsorship to fund its events programme, and we have launched some attractive sponsorship opportunities which will enable companies and organisations to support the town's premier public event of the year and at the same time to promote themselves".
Discover Folkestone, Hythe & Romney Marsh manager Chris Kirkham said that the three-day show, June 7, 8 and 9, was expected to attract 100,000 visitors, including a significant number from France, Belgium and Holland.
"Their estimated spend in shops and on accommodation, food, drink and entertainment is £12 million - a whopping fifty-fold return on the investment of staging the event. The potential benefits - immediate and longer-term - are huge".
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