Residents say NO to plan to move hospital services to Dover

Local people are backing the Lib Dem campaign to STOP hospital services being moved out of our area.
The Health Authority is considering the future of the rehab services provided in two wards at the hospital.
The options are to move the wards to Buckland in Dover, to leave the wards at the Royal Victoria Hospital, or to close the wards and provide services for patients in their own home.
Peter Carroll said, "Hundreds of local people have given a massive thumbs down to moving the wards to Dover. The wards at Dover would be smaller and relatives would face difficult journeys to visit loved ones."
Having researched all the options, Mr Carroll believes the best option for patients, families and staff is keep the wards open at the Royal Victoria Hospital.
Peter Carroll said, "I believe that these wards are providing vital care to elderly people who are far too frail to go home. Additionally, these wards provide local GPs with up to 6 beds to use for local elderly people who may need a short stay in hospital for tests."
Lib Dem campaigner Peter Carroll has already spoken out in favour of keeping services in Folkestone at public meetings and to the Chief Executive of the Health Trust.
You can add your support to the campaign to keep our health services local by signing the petition. For a copy of the petition call 01303 851251.

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