Ringgo-ing the changes...
Ringgo is the Folkestone and Hythe District Council supplier that provides the website and app that allow local residents to buy visitor permits in CPZ areas (such as Sandgate, amongst others).
Sandgate and West Folkestone Councillor Tim Prater has made repeated representations to Folkestone & Hythe Parking Services that local residents (including him) find the app difficult to use and clunky, and after discussions between Ringgo and the council a number of changes have been agreed. In feedback from the Tranportation Manager, he confirmed yesterday:
"They will be adding a section for wallet management on the app. I have asked for this work to be prioritised and completed within 3 months.
"They will also be re-mapping the whole system to make it more user-friendly. A new user guide and 'how to use' videos will also be done to assist customers."
I'm pleased there are going to be changes to the Ringgo app, and I look forward to them making residents life a little simpler when buying permits.
I will continue to look for futher enhancements, and will push for a paper based visitor permit scheme available to those residents that simply do not "do" online.