Royal Military Avenue Review Survey
Over 25% of residents in Royal Military Avenue, Cheriton have returned surveys giving their views on the recent works by Kent Highways in the road and their view of the impact of the work. The huge majority of results so far say the scheme has made no difference or worsened speeding in the road, and also that parking in the road is worse than before the works took place.
After years of lobbying, Kent Highways agreed some months ago to consult on an echelon (nose in to kerb) parking scheme as requested by residents. Despite that option receiving the support of more residents than any other scheme in the consultation, the Shepway Joint Transport Board voted against their views and instead for a scheme reducing parking in the road and putting white hatched lines and traffic islands in the middle of the road. Only Liberal Democrat Councillor Tim Prater voted for the resident-backed "echelon" scheme at that meeting.
The results of the Royal Military Avenue survey are being compiled and will be both passed to Kent Highways and presented to the Shepway Joint Transportation Board in September.
Lib Dem Councillor for Cheriton Tim Prater said:
"The response to the survey is huge, and if there are any more residents still to return their survey, I look forward to hearing from them.
"I will be using the results to make the point to Kent Highways and local Councillors that the scheme has not not improved the road in the eyes of most residents, but made things - and especially the parking situation - worse. The scheme should be fully reviewed, and then amended - this time, listening to local views."

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