Rural Roads Despair
Lib Dem Councillor Carol Crees is piling the pressure on the Highways Authority to address the condition of roads throughout the Elham Valley.
Many local residents have complained to Carol about the condition of the roads. She has also received complaints about the state of verges and other areas near our roads.
Carol said, "Many of the roads in the Valley are in an appalling condition. There are large potholes and the edges of the road are crumbling. Some of the lanes off the main roads are more like tracks than roads."
Carol Crees has reported a number of problems to the Council and is pressing for urgent action. She added, "People in this rural area quite rightly feel aggrieved that they pay high Council Tax to the Conservative controlled Council and get poorer services. This is particularly true about the roads."
If you would like to report problems of a road near you, please contact Carol Crees on 840344 or email her on