Sandgate Community Speedwatch - Volunteers Needed!

Concerned about traffic speeding through Sandgate?
Community Speedwatch is an intiative run by volunteers and backed by Kent Police. Teams set up a Speed Indication Device (SID) that alerts drivers to the speed they are travelling - often drivers exceeding the speed limit were not aware they were doing so.
Speedwatch volunteer teams can pass to Kent Police details of vehicles caught travelling way in excess of the speed limit so a warning letter can be sent to the driver of the vehicle. No fine or prosecution can be made from Speedwatch information. Speedwatch is designed to reminds drivers of the need to respact speed limits and get a better idea of how many vehicles are in excess of the limit in any road - not to make the Police money from fines.
Sandgate Parish Council owns a part-share of a Speed Indication Device, and a Community Speed Watch is being re-established in Sandgate. The teams (of three people for each 60 minute session) receive training in advance and the commitment of time should be no more than an hour every 3 weeks or so. Volunteers need to be over 18 (for insurance purposes), able to stand for an hour by the road side and have reasonable vision.
Can you help by volunteering to join the Sandgate Community Speedwatch team? Your time will be well spent - helping to make Sandgate's roads safer and preventing more accidents in Sandgate. Our next training session will be on Saturday 17th November at 9am: it would be ideal if you could come along then, but if not other sessions can be arranged.
Please do volunteer to join the team! Email and I'll pass your details on to Sandgate Speedwatch co-ordinator Nigel Griffiths. Thank you!

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