Sandgate Escarpment Village Green Application moves forward
Local residents are leading an application to see Sandgate Escarpment registered as a Village Green. Registration would add further protection to access to the area which has been open for years for residents and visitors to enjoy, on the wooded hillside below Shornecliffe Barracks and rising above Military Road, Sandgate.
Kent County Council has now published details of the application and is inviting representations. You can read the full notice on the Kent County Council website.
I'm delighted that last night, Sandgate Parish Council unanimously supported a motion I proposed to back the application and will be writing in support of the application to Kent County Council, as any interested person or group can.
Below is my personal email of support as sent today to If you wish to write, the closing date for responses is Marsh 26th.
Both congratulations and thanks to local resident David Cowell for putting together this application and massing support for the campaign.
Miss Melanie McNeir
Commons Registration Team
Countryside Access Service
Kent County Council
lnvicta House
County Hall
Kent ME14 lXX
15 February 2011
Dear Miss McNeir
Reference: Village Green application VGA636
Please accept this email as my full support for the registration of the land, described in this application, as a Village Green so the people of Sandgate can continue to use the land for the purposes of lawful sport and recreation as we have done for over twenty years as of right and without challenge by the landowner.
There is strong and widespread support throughout the village community to see access to this area retained and enhanced.
Yours sincerely,
Tim Prater
Kent County Councillor for Folkestone West
Parish Councillor for Sandgate
98a Sandgate High Street, Folkestone CT20 3BY
01303 210300

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