Sandgate Farmers’ Market: Easter Celebration
This Saturday 7th April 2012 at The Chichester Memorial Hall, Sandgate
from 10.00am until 12.30pm
- The Sandgate Bakery - freshly baked bread, pies and biscuits, French cheese
- Juicy Fruits - fresh fruit and vegetables
- Izzy's Deli - homemade lasagna, soups, meat and vegetarian pies, pizzas and home cooked ham freshly sliced, English cheese
- Catherine Jordan Cakes - large and small cakes, seasonal fruit pies and tarts, scones and biscuits
- Old Hall Farm, Brookland - traditionally reared meat & sausages, rare breed lamb & pork and fresh eggs
- Alkham Valley Preserves - jams, preserves, raw honey and quail's eggs
- Originals by Pauline - handcrafted gemstone jewellery
- Eco-Friendly Cleaning - eco-friendly cleaning products
- Alice Gosling - photographic works
- Harriet Clapp - Harriet's amazing new art is being sold to finance her trip to Malawi
Sandgate Farmers' Market is in the Sandgate Chichester Memorial Hall on the first and third Saturday of each month from 10.00am
This information is correct at the time of publication. Neither The Chichester Hall nor the Farmers Market can take responsibility for any changes that may occur on the day due to unforseen circumstances.

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