Sandgate Men’s Club and Chichester Memorial Hall renew their lease
Lilla, the Countess of Chichester, died on 7 December 1911 at the age of 74 at Enbrook in Sandgate. Her support and generosity to the village prompted the residents to raise the necessary money to have the Chichester Hall built to celebrate her life and act as a lasting memorial.
The Sandgate Men's Club was founded in February 1895 and called St Paul's Working Menʼs Club with the Reverent E V Eustace Bryan as President. In 1914 the club moved to the Chichester Memorial Hall under the auspice of C H Master a lavish contributor to the Hall's building fund. In 1933 it changed its name to its current title.
The Trustees of the Chichester Memorial Hall are proud of this lasting association, as is the Club, so it was with immense pleasure that the on-going relationship was secured with the agreement of a further 15 year lease.
Gordon Wyatt, the Club's Secretary said:
"The Club offers continuity in a world that is constantly changing. Many of our Members have been coming here for years although we always welcome new Members who can enjoy the two full size competition billiard tables as well as the other events that are organised."
David Cowell, Chichester Hall Treasurer said that the Trustees and people of Sandgate have worked hard to raise funds to refurbish the building and grow the number of hires particularly children's parties. He continued that he was delighted that the 15 year lease with the Men's Club had been finalised.

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