Sandgate Parish Council introduces Grant System
At last night's Sandgate Parish Council meeting the council voted to introduce a new system to allocate grants to individuals or organisations. Previously the Council had no such system in place.
Lib Dem Cllr Season Prater said:
"This is an excellent idea and is used in other town and parish councils really well. We now have a structure in place which will make allocating funds to worth while community projects a whole lot easier. The council has put £10,000 into a budget for these grants and I look forward to discussing applications from a whole range of people and organisations."
The Parish Council is prepared to consider applications for financial assistance from: clubs and societies, voluntary bodies and associations, non-profit making organisations, charitable bodies and individual members of the community living within the parish.
In order to qualify for assistance, applications must demonstrate a direct benefit to the Sandgate Parish area, or any part of it, or to all or some of its residents.
Guidance and application forms can be found on the Sandgate Parish Council website.

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