Sandgate Planning Applications: Week Commencing 13 June 2011
125 Sandgate High Street Sandgate Folkestone Kent CT20 3BZ
Y11/0481/SH [view full info at UKPlanning]
Listed building consent for the fixing of a blue plaque to the front of the building.
Land Adjoining Sir John Moore Barracks Military Road Sandgate Kent
Y11/0137/SH [view full info at UKPlanning]
Outline application for the erection of 5 detached houses, including details of layout, scale, landscaping and access, together with the change of use and conversion of Martello Towers 6 and 7 to residential holiday lets, conversion of underground water t
Clewer House Coolinge Lane Folkestone Kent CT20 3RE
Y11/0536/SH [view full info at UKPlanning]
Demolition of building (28 day notification)
Kent Auto Panels Ltd Ross Way Folkestone Kent CT20 3UJ
Y11/0512/SH [view full info at UKPlanning]
Display of internally illuminated lettering, logo and corner lights to the front elevation, a non illuminated portique and internally illuminated free standing totem sign to the front forecourt.
2 The Corniche Sandgate Folkestone Kent CT20 3TA
Y11/0477/SH [view full info at UKPlanning]
Erection of a first floor extension to the front elevation and garage alterations.
19 Sandgate High Street Sandgate Folkestone Kent CT20 3BD
Y11/0506/SH [view full info at UKPlanning]
Change of use and conversion from existing dwelling to three self contained flats, together with external alterations including installation of a rear dormer window.

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