Sandgate Royal British Legion

The Royal British Legion was formed some 91 years ago. The Sandgate branch was formed 75 years ago and is one of the oldest branches in the country.
The branch meets on the second Monday of each month at the Sgts Mess, Shorncliffe Barracks. Branch business is conducted, snacks served and bar facilities made available to our members.
The objectives of the Legion are to provide assistance to ex-servicemen and their dependents, serving members of the armed forces, families and dependents and to raise the necessary funding to finance the assistance we provide. Finally, we try to foster within our branch a convivial atmosphere for our members, whether ex-service or not, who share our objectives.
It should be stressed that membership of the RBL is not confined to members or ex-members of the Armed Forces. Some of most enthusiastic fundraisers have no military connections whatsoever, but want to do their bit for the military past and present.
For more information on "The Legion" and membership call:
- Jane Hammond-Tucker (01303) 248594;
- Eric Harris (01303) 275700, or;
- Alan Lloyd (01303) 250132

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