Sandgate's Twinning Association Needs YOUR help!
It is that time of year again when we are gearing up for the Sandgate Sea Festival. The Twinning Association's tombola worked so well last year we're planning to do it again.
But to make it a success we need your help - we need lots of prizes for the winning tickets!
We are once again having and adult and a children's tombola, so pretty much anything goes. Please have a look in your garage, cupboard under the stairs, study or that cupboard where you've put unwanted Christmas presents! We would be really grateful for anything you can give.
If you are able, please drop items to Season who can be found in 98 Sandgate High Street (Prater Raines Web Sites) during most office hours. Alternatively, give her a call and she will collect (07956 135845 or 01303 210300).
We really value you support in this key event to raise funds for the association. And we hope to see you there on the day (Sunday 29th August)!

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