Sandgate - Sangatte Twinning Trip: 18th January

On 18th January 2013, Sandgate Parish Council are running a trip to Sangatte to celebrate our village's twinning links. Few twinning arrangements have a closer local bond - on a clear day, you can *almost* see Sangatte across the channel!
All local residents are welcome to join the trip and events of the day.
For just £10 per person return, join the coach departing Sandgate 2-2.30pm, which will go to Sangatte via Eurotunnel. During the early evening, you would be welcome to attend both the Sangatte Mayor's Annual Address (with "sparkling" refreshment!) and Sandgate / Sangatte Twinning Signing Ceremony, or alternatively explore the area yourself.
In the evening, there will be a special Twinning celebration meal in the Blanc Nez Restuarant in Sangatte 4 courses for a bargain £15 per person (buy your own drinks).
The return coach will leave Sangatte around 10.30-11pm French time.
You can book just the coach trip and not meal if you would prefer.
Tickets and meals need to be booked by 10th January with Sandgate Parish Clerk Amanda Oates - email or call into Sandgate Library. Payment by cheque (payable to Sandgate Parish Council) will also be required prior to travel. You will of course need a passport to travel!

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