Save Princes Parade Fundraising Event and Update
For our next fundraising event we will be holding a quiz night at The Fountain pub on Monday 8th April from 7pm to 10pm.
Please come along to a fun quiz night to help raise money to go towards the legal costs to fight the proposed development of Princes Parade.
To book your table please call The Fountain on 01303 470495. Everyone welcome.
Also we are seeking any kind donations of raffle prizes. Please let us know if you can donate anything.
The council have now published some of the reports discussed at the 13th February cabinet meeting. Unfortunately they have been redacted but you can be read them here:
It looks as if the councillors weren't given the crucial treasury management report from Arlingclose (which we are still trying to get hold of) nor the crucial Betteridge & Milsom report. The B&M report is in the public domain but the councillors would have had to know that it existed and make the effort to find it. So it looks like the only financial information they had on the Princes Parade project as a whole was the summary on p23 of the report from The Sports Consultancy. Hardly enough information on which to base such a big decision.