Search Engine Optimisation - by an expert
Search Engine Optimisation is part of my day-job: making websites perform as well as possible in search engines for sites I'm working on is a key part of the job. There is little point helping some build the perfect shop that no-one comes into, right?
There is a LOT of advice on Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) from a lot of different companies - mainly ones that will try to get you to spend money on their services which will do little to boost your site, but much to boost their income. There is one basic truth of SEO:
- Increasingly, you can't fool a search engine. Stop trying.
You need to have the right content, written in a way that both users and search engines can read easily. There is no point in repeating a phrase a thousand times - search engines have worked that out, and will punish your search engine listings, not reward you. Meta tags are useless (in most instances) to you - search engines ignore them.
Good content, written in the right way, relevant to what a user may be looking for, are what search engines are looking for. Write them well, and the search engines will reward you with listings that work.
However, the above thoughts are mine. Don't trust me - trust an expert. Tim Ireland shares my first name, but beyond that, I only know him through his work. Never to my knowledge met him, been paid by him, hired him or made commissions from him. He is however, an expert at search engine optimisation.
Tim's written a few pages on search engine optimisation, twitter and social media and viral marketing - well worth a read if you are interested, and if you're serious about Search Engine Optimisation, it may be well worth your time getting in touch with him directly.

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