Send Blair a message

With the situation in Iraq worsening by the day, people across the country are set to use the European Elections on 10th June to send a strong message to Tony Blair.
Local campaigner and former RAF Officer Peter Carroll said, "It is plain for all to see that when Tony Blair and George W Bush were rushing to war last year, they had no real long term plan for what should happen after Saddam was gone. The chaos in Iraq today is a direct result of this."
Rush to war
Charles Kennedy's Lib Dems were the only party to speak out against the rush to war. The Conservatives backed Tony Blair and George W Bush from the start.
The claims Mr Blair and Mr Bush made to justify the rush to war have now been widely discredited. This includes Mr Blair's now infamous claim that Iraq could launch an attack using chemical and biological weapons in just '45 minutes'.
Peter Carroll commented, "Many people now feel that they were not told the truth in the run up to the war in Iraq."
Rising costs
The cost of the war and the continued presence of British soldiers in Iraq continues to rocket. The Government has revealed that the cost to British taxpayers is currently running at £125 million a month.
Peter Carroll said, "We are often told by politicians that we cannot afford to provide decent pensions or buy enough books for schools, yet we have spent billions of pounds on a war in Iraq."
Speed up
Lib Dems are calling on Tony Blair to speed up efforts to return power to the people of Iraq so they can get on with rebuilding their country. Once this process is complete, British troops can start to return home.
Peter Carroll added, "We can be proud of the work British servicemen and women have done in Iraq in difficult circumstances."

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