Send off for Ian and Peter Tilling on Charity paddle down the Mississippi
I have know Ian Tilling for 25 years since he helped to save the life of my son, Lewis. That's a pretty good reason to support a charity where Ian has focussed his life for the past 20 years.
Ian and his son Peter were about to set off on a challenge to raise money for the Romanian Homeless Shelter charity and I was asked to come and help in the send off party. It happened also to be Ian's 60th birthday and so it was a double reason to accept the invitation.
A small number of people gathered to wish him success in the venture, where he and Peter will travel to the USA and after building a raft, yes a raft, will paddle it down the full length of the Mississippi.
I look forward to being in London to greet them on their return on 6th October.

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