Shepway Business Waste Recycling Service from Kent Community Recycling
Kent Community Recycling offers a business waste recycling service to businesses in Folkestone and Hythe. Following the withdrawal of the service provided by Shepway District Council, Kent Community Recycling stepped in to offer a service which would ensure materials are correctly recycled; whilst saving businesses money, and at the same time enabling them to raise funds for charities of their choice via their Exchange Scheme.
The service is based around the fact that efficient businesses cost in waste disposal charges when calculating prices and therefore any income derived from working with us should go to charity.
The two options available to businesses are:
- Delivery
Businesses are welcome to make deliveries to the Kent Community Recycling Plant in Hawkinge between 8.00am and 4.30pm, Monday to Friday, excluding Bank Holidays. There is no charge for this service and those interested in supporting worthy causes can ask for details of our Exchange Account Scheme.
- Collection
For this service we charge, per collection, 4p per kilo up to 100 kilos and thereafter a flat rate of £4.00. Hence the more the business recycles the less it costs and the more efficient the service.
The materials Kent Community Recycling accept from businesses are:
- Dry cardboard and paper
- Newspapers & magazines
- Drinks cans
- Aerosols
- Clean food tins
- Topless plastic bottles
- Textiles
- We will accept glass delivered to us but we do not collect glass
Kent Community Recycling are licensed by the Environment Agency as Carriers of Waste and provide on-board weighing facilities, plus we use modern communication and satellite navigation to ensure an effective and efficient collection service.
For business collections, simply telephone Kent Community Recycling on 01303 893772 and give your business name and postcode.
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