Shepway Council fail in duty to play equipment
Three months ago, on 21 April, Kent County Council inspected and declared the play area between Firs Lane and Shaftesbury Avenue in Cheriton unsafe, due to broken protective flooring and an old and worn climbing frame. This information was then passed to Shepway Council, who have taken almost no action. Shepway are quick enough to publicise internal staff problems, but on an important safety issue, they've remained pretty much silent to press and local residents.
Until last week, there was little evidence of warning signs erected and the play area remained effectively open. No-one was told about the problem - not local residents, parents or councillors. Even in the last week, when this issue has been forced to the attention of Shepway Council, a few inadequate signs have been re-erected.
Shepway Council's actions in not properly warning about, signing or cordoning off a damaged play area is callous in its disregard for safety. Children have been playing on that equipment - not knowing it to be dangerous - since 21 April. The Council's reaction since - to offer to remove the equipment and grass the area over - is frankly beyond belief.
Shepway should take immediate action to repair or replace this equipment, and ensure this play area is available to Cheriton children during the long summer holiday.

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