Shepway Council flips recycling lid
New recycling boxes issued by Shepway Council are no longer supplied with lids according to their customer services department, but ARE according to their own web site!
According to the Shepway Council web site ( "The box comes with a lid and can be kept outside." On another page on the Shepway Council site (, they say "On the day your recycling is collected, the lid should be taken off the box. When you put out your box for collection please put your blue sack of paper and card on top of the box."
However, a new box delivered on Tuesday to Lib Dem Councillors Tim & Season Prater (who have recently moved into a new home in Sandgate) was supplied without a lid. When this was queried with the Council, a Customer Services Officer explained "we no longer supply lids with the black boxes".
Sandgate Councillor Season Prater commented:
"It's disappointing that the Council don't seem to know what they supply even on their own web site!
"A lid for a recycling box would make it much easier to keep outside for those with limited space, and it's clear that the change in practice has not been well advertised by Shepway - in fact, not even to their web site team!"

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