Shepway Council update: Kent Home Choice - Choice Based Lettings
Kent Home Choice is the new choice based lettings scheme which comes into operation in Shepway at the end of January 2009. All local authorities in Kent and most housing associations with accommodation in Kent will be operating the same scheme in their areas by summer 2009.
Choice based lettings has been successfully tried and tested in other parts of the country. Housing and transfer applicants receive improved information about vacancies and have a greater ability to choose the vacancies they want to be considered for.
In future, vacancies will be advertised fortnightly. Applicants can decide if they want to be considered for any of the vacancies by putting in a 'bid' (expression of interest) by telephone, text, website or by post. There will be plenty of support - especially in the early days - to make sure that applicants with the highest points are not overlooked and to make sure everyone understands how the system operates.
Special sessions for housing and transfer applicants will be available during January 2009 giving information on how the system will work in Shepway and to address any concerns applicants may have.
Choice based lettings will not alter the fact that council or housing association homes are let to less than 10% of applicants on the waiting list each year. The points system will still be in place to make sure that applicants with the greatest priority need will continue to be rehoused.
How Kent Home Choice works
- Vacancies will be advertised fortnightly in a magazine and on the internet. The magazine will be easily available.
- Applicants bid (express an interest) for advertised homes by telephone, text, website or letter. An advocate such as a housing professional or support worker or proxy bidder may apply for homes on behalf of vulnerable applicants.
- Once the deadline for placing bids (expressions of interest) has passed, the housing needs team will have a list of interested applicants for each home. The highest placed eligible applicant will be nominated for the council or housing association vacancy.
- Housing staff will check the applicant's details and, if they are satisfied, a preliminary offer will be made, inviting the applicant to view the property.
Last year, 312 council and housing association homes were let to applicants on the Shepway Housing List between 1 April 2007 and 31 March 2008. This figure excludes 68 mutual exchanges carried out amongst tenants. Approximately 2500 applicants are currently on the Shepway Housing List.

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