Shepway Fire Service Review - Last Chance for Action
Although the public consultation on proposed cuts to Folkestone Fire Service has closed, there is still time to lobby members of the Fire Authority directly.
The cuts proposed by the Kent Fire and Rescue Service would remove TWENTY-FOUR fire-fighter jobs (almost half) from Folkestone Fire Station, as well as removing one of the two full-time fire appliances and removing the turntable ladder and moving it to Ashford. If a retained pump from Hythe cannot attend an incident in Hythe West, it falls to the full-time crew from Folkestone Fire Station.
Overall, It will increase average response times, mean worse fire and incident cover for our area and make Hythe less safe.
The final decision on the cuts at Folkestone Fire Station will be made by the Kent Fire Authority at a meeting on 20 February.
Lets make sure the voting members of the Fire Authority get the message - these cuts will make Shepway less safe. Whether people call, write or email, don't leave them in any doubt of our position on this. The more people that make the point, the more they will understand the strength of public opinion.
A full list of Fire Authority members and their full contact details are available at their web site Alternatively, the contact details for the Fire Authority Chairman are:
Bryan Cope, 6 East Cliff, Dover, Kent CT16 1LX
Telephone: 01304 206510 Email:
Many thanks in advance if you do feel able to contact any member of the Fire Authority to put your view. This close to the meeting, its important to remind them of the strength of local opinion on this.

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